For adults

For children and adults

         For everybody

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You are the light of the world. You have inner qualities which give you and others orientation.

Your inner light shows you the way.

What changes in your life when you achieve “peacefulness”?

  • You find your center and know how to center yourself again when situations or people bring you out of balance or make you feel insecure.

  • You trust in your own judgement more than in other peoples and you listen to your intuition.

  • Situations from your past no longer have any power over you. You make peace with your life choices and your past. This allows you to relax and be at peace.

  • You no longer look for solutions outside. Everything you need to be happy comes from your inner strength.

  • You feel what is good for you and you take good care of your needs. You are no longer dependent on the affection or approval of others.

  • You change the things that are not good for you and increase the positive in your life. You become a source of inspiration for others. 

These are the 4 steps on the path to “Peacefulness”:

1. Cleansing and reorientation

With the help of energy work, I free you from external energies (former partners, parents, society) and from trauma. You will experience a sense of freedom and expansion.

2. Trust and serenity

You make peace with yourself and your past. With the help of energy work I support you to let go of control and trust more deeply. You are at peace.

3. Centering, grounding, stability

Energy work and guided meditation “I find my center”. You act from your center without being influenced by the opinion of others.

4. Reorientation

What has changed? What is your continuing path?

Where? We’ll meet online with a video call in a secure online room (Zoom)

How long? Each session lasts 60 minutes. The meetings take place every 3 to 4 weeks. 

When? You book your first appointment in the calendar and you will then receive a link to book further appointments. 

How much? Your investment in peacefulness is 570 euros.

Would you like to get to know me first?

Are you wondering if “Peacefulness” could be the next step on your way? 

You can book a free conversation with me. Duration is around 30 to 45 minutes.

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Earth power

1:1 energy work for more stability, trust and courage

For children, teenagers and adults

How do you benefit from “Earth power”?

You are no longer afraid of new tasks or situations and you no longer need to hide.

You know who you are and what you want. The opinion of others is no longer important to you.

You are calm and relaxed. Nothing upsets you. You don’t let yourself be stressed anymore. 

You are braver and happier because you feel safe and stable like a tree that has deep roots in the earth.

You like yourself the way you are. You don’t have to be faster, better or bigger.

This is what the 4 sessions of earth power look like:

1. Grounding & Stability

  • Conversation “What is exhausting and what do you enjoy?”
  • Energy work “My roots grow deep into the earth” for more grounding, stability and trust.
  • Personal techniques for easy and quick grounding in everyday life.

2. Courage & Trust

  • Conversation “What scares you? What do you lack courage for?”
  • Energy work ”I fill myself with courage.”
  • Inner guided journey “I am King / Queen in my own kingdom”
  • Homework “courage for every day” with personal technique

3. I love myself & I am proud of myself

  • Energy work. We transform everything that no longer serves you. We bring on “I’m good”
  • Personal technique “I love myself”

4. Conversation

  • How are you? How did the homework / techniques help you?
  • What else do you need to keep doing well?
  • Summary of all “Feel good” techniques
  • After 3 weeks you will receive a questionnaire from me. ”What has changed in my life?”

You get:

✓ More courage and confidence
✓ Self love
✓ Trust in you and your abilities

✓ Easy and quick energy exercises for everyday life

You learn how to change your life from within. After our time together, you know exactly how to strengthen your courage, power and trust and how to give yourself love and stability.

Where? We meet online via Zoom-video call

How long? Children and teenagers: Each session lasts between 45 and 60 minutes, depending on the age and personality of the child.

Adults: Each session takes approximately 60 minutes.

When? You book your first appointment in the calendar and you will then receive a link to book further appointments. 

How much? Your investment for children and teenagers is 350 euros (including parents)

Your investment as an adult is 570 euros for 4 sessions

Find out whether working with me is right for you or your child.

Book a free 30 to 45 minutes conversation with me.

Every child is different. As a mom of three children, I can experience that every day.

My little one has dyslexia and has so often experienced herself as inferior and inadequate through school that it has affected her whole being. She was often insecure, covered it up with aggression, clung very closely to me ... in short, it was very difficult. We called you on Skype to ask for help. My daughter took part, talked to you and listened as I described her problems to you. Nobody can “get rid of” dyslexia, but dealing with it has become easier. It helped me as a mom, now I can be more relaxed and don't feel so helpless anymore. I can give tips and deal with them in other ways. My little one has her exercises that help her as an anchor - and your story also helps her again and again. All in all, it has changed the way we view "problems". Thank you!!!
Nicole Stelzenmüller
Nicole Ganzenmüller

Single session

Where? We meet online via a video call in a secure online room (Zoom)

How long? 60 to 90 minutes. We work until the problem is resolved and we both are satisfied.

When? You book your appointment in the calendar.

How much? Your investment is 180 €.

Questions & Answers

most frequently asked questions concerning the 1:1 session

You can prepare yourself by creating a cozy place where you can sit comfortably and mybe lie down. Some people find it easier to participate in an inner journey / guided meditation while sitting, and others kan relax and concentrate better when lying down. Please have some water ready. If you want, you can make yourself comfortable with candels. It is important that you feel comfortable and safe and are not disturbed.

Each session has its own topic, but the process is the same. We start with a conversation and see how you are doing and where you stand. The main part consists of energy work and guided meditation. I will guide you gently through all obstacles until you are completely at ease with the quality with which we work. Finally, we will look at which technique / exercise / mudra supports you simply and easily to stay centered and to integrate the experience into your everyday life. I look forward to a special time with you. All the best, La

My energy work goes deep. You will feel that your cells are being charged with energy and you may even feel them vibrate. This usually takes some time to integrate. Feel free to take time for yourself after the session. At least 15 minutes, if possible half an hour or more. You may have the need to rest and be in silence. Maybe you are inspired and want to write or express yourself creatively. Or you may want to take a walk to integrate what you have experienced.

I use Zoom for the video call. All you need is god internet access. You will receive the login data to our meeting room via email. You activate the link 5 minutes before the start of the session. Clicking the link will automatically download the Zoom application software. User account is not needed. You will then be in a waiting room and will invite you in at the appointed time.

You write me an email. I will answer you as soon as possible within 1 to 3 working days.

General Questions

You pay online with your credit card or you choose the option Invoice.

In the confirmation email of your booking you will find a link to your appointment overview. If you want to rebook, you can do so here: Go to the overview of the event or date, right click on “reschedule” and choose a new free date. Please note the cancellation deadline of 24 hours.

You cancel or rebook up to 24 hours before the scheduled date. To do this, click on the link in the confirmation email, select the event or your booking and click on ’Cancel’ on the right. Your cancellation will be confirmed by email. 

If you have technical difficulties send a email to

Please write me an email. You will get an answer within 1 to 3 working days.